The name of this type of wart, "fish eye", is due to its rounded and raised appearance, with a rough and hard texture, and that it has small black dots in the middle, resembling a fish eye.
The fish eye can be deep and is often painful. However, it can also develop more superficially in the form of plaques. In such cases, the pain is less.
Areas of impact and trauma, such as the soles of the feet, are the most conducive places for the development of fish eye, since they may have small cuts or cracks that encourage HPV to enter the skin.
Transmission of the HPV virus, responsible for the formation of fish eye, occurs through direct contact with other warts or contaminated objects.
The fish eye can disappear spontaneously in a few months or remain for years. However, due to the pain and risk of reinfection, it is best to remove the eye from the fish using appropriate medical treatments.
Treatment of fish eye can be done through cryotherapy (freezing the lesion by applying liquid nitrogen), electrocautery, application of acids, surgery to remove the wart, and the use of specific medications to stimulate the immune system (immunotherapy).
Don't try to remove the fisheye at home. Manipulating or attempting to remove the wart can cause lesions that increase the risk of infection and can also promote the appearance of new fish eyes.
It should be remembered that the HPV vaccine is not used in the treatment of fish eye, since it does not affect warts that have already appeared, but it can prevent the appearance of fish eye.
Diagnosis and treatment of fish eye can be carried out by a qualified family doctor, general practitioner, or dermatologist.