To improve mood and reduce anxiety, the mood food eating model was created. A dietary practice that claims to boost and ease hormones. Below we explain what it is, why it works and how to apply it.
When a person feels scared, the nervous system responds by releasing cortisol and adrenaline. Hormones associated with stress. This causes the body to go into a state of emergency. State that is maintained, generally, for hours, if it is not known how to control it.
While it is true that stress can be beneficial in facing new challenges. Suffering from it constantly and without intervention is distress to the functioning of the organs and psyche. Reflecting in the personal, professional, family, and intimate spheres.
People who are stressed tend to be moody, sensitive, depressed, irritable, and agitated. With high inclinations towards isolation, worries, and inability to concentrate.
The practice lies in consuming foods capable of improving the production of serotonin, a hormone responsible for generating happiness along with dopamine and endorphin.
The products recommended by this practice have a high protein content. Being an amino acid, a precursor of neurotransmitters by excellence, one of the most suggested.
Relationship between the brain and the intestine
A report by Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care states that in this way the cells are provided with more raw material for the manufacture of substances related to mood. Among them, is serotonin.
The foods consumed are not at all linked to the state of mind. Although some people claim the opposite. Countless studies have been out whose axis is to verify the connection between the intestine and the brain. Providing more than encouraging data for practices such as mood food.
The impact that the gut has on brain chemicals can be modulated by probiotics, for example, being able to prevent many unpleasant emotional factors. Stress and anxiety, are the main causes of diseases in the 20th century. XXI.
In this way, the inherent relationship between the central nervous system and the digestive system has been confirmed.
What foods does mood food suggest?
“Mood foods” are normally associated with cocoa, coffee, nuts, fruits, and milk.
It is important to note that not all fruits stimulate serotonin. On the other hand, various products with a high-fat index can stimulate your mood.
Blue sins contain a high level of omega-3 fatty acids, which have a high anti-inflammatory capacity. Property that translates into a better health condition. Ergo, greater happiness when facing daily challenges.
Sugar also fulfills the function of stimulating happiness hormones, in addition to providing energy for a short period of time. It is not recommended for various reasons. Among them is the hormonal imbalance caused by constantly ingesting it.
The truth is that sugar should be present in the diet, but limited in consumption. If you practice sports regularly, this advice becomes more relevant.
Each of these ingredients contains high tryptophan content. However, they contribute irregular doses of selenium. A mineral that promotes a state of relaxation and acts as an antioxidant, providing protection against pathologies related to old age.
Consuming foods such as chocolate, which contains a high cocoa index, stimulates the hormones of happiness: serotonin, dopamine, and endorphin.
What should be the ideal diet?
Among the various foods available, anyone can create their own personalized menu with the fruits, meats, and drinks they like the most. However, the basic mood food menu is:
- For breakfast, oatmeal porridge with banana, nuts, yogurt with muesli without added sugar, and almonds are served.
In the mid-morning, it is advisable to consume a cup of coffee with milk. - For lunch, prepare salmon (rich in fatty acids) with spinach and cooked potatoes. And complement it with yogurt and two ounces of chocolate (80 percent cocoa). Other times, grilled turkey fillets are served with sautéed chickpeas and vegetables with cured cheese .
- For dinner, chicken is made with curried vegetables, accompanied with quark cheese and walnuts. Also, a grilled hake is served with peppers and salad. As an appetizer, yogurt with almonds is recommended.
- As long as ingredients with high levels of tryptophan and fatty acids are taken into account, anyone will experience an increase in their energy and mood. Boosting not only your health, but also your social, family, and professional life.
What are the promoters of stress?
Even if a person educates himself and takes care of himself against stress, he must avoid circumstances that cause it. Otherwise, the results, effort, and dedication will be useless. It will soon return to its original state. For this reason, the most stressful situations today stand out:
- Exposure to chemicals.
- Constant noise.
- Bad postures.
- Exposure to extreme temperatures.
- Not sleeping well.
- Do not rest for at least 6 hours a day.
- Worrying about emotional and mental factors.
-Removals and home remodeling. - Exams at school and university.
- Intimacy problems.
-Unemployment. - Death or illness of a family member.
- Challenges in the professional field.
- Work or family discussions.
- Competitiveness on results.
- Traffic jams.
- Lack of time to dedicate to various tasks and leisure.
- Stress, if left unchecked, can become a chronic problem.
The greatest stimulus to develop is each person’s perception of the circumstances. That is, a stressful event for one is not stressful for another.
There are various ways to manage stress. These include starting to exercise, making more work commitments for pleasure, sleeping soundly, switching to a healthy diet, and having a less adjusted schedule.