Headache: What It Is, Types, Causes?

Most headaches are not potentially dangerous and are usually relieved with medications, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle changes.

Self-care Tips:

  • For pain relief, acetaminophen usually works well to relieve a headache. It is best to take a full dose as soon as a headache starts. A second dose can be taken after four hours if necessary.
  • Anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen may be more effective than acetaminophen for some people.
  • Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, and avoid caffeine-based drinks, such as coffee.

Natural remedies for headaches


Ice is an economical remedy, easy to apply, and available to everyone. You simply need an airtight plastic bag, put several ice cubes in it, and cover it with a cloth. Then put the bag over the painful area. It is best if you lie in bed or sit relaxed. If the ice melts and the headache still persists, repeat the same procedure as many times as necessary. The effect is usually seen after about 20 to 30 minutes of use.

Essential oils

Lavender, peppermint, chamomile, basil, rosemary, and lemon balm essential oils have relaxing effects. They dilate blood vessels and promote circulation. For a faster effect, put five drops of one of these essential oils in hot water and inhale the vapors. You can also put a few drops of essential oils on a damp cloth and place it on the crown of your head and around your neck so that it reaches your shoulders. You will notice great relief. And finally, these oils can be used in massages. The idea is to dilute them in olive oil. The dose is five drops of essential oil in a dessert teaspoon of olive oil. Mix them well. Massage this mixture at the base of the skull, behind the ears, temples, crown, and between the eyebrows or third eye.


Chamomile is miraculous! Relieves migraine or headache effectively and quickly. You can make a very concentrated infusion of chamomile (three sachets in 100ml of water) and drink it during the day. You will be more relaxed than usual. You can also prepare chamomile compresses : take advantage of the wet bags and put them on the area that hurts. Remove them when the pain subsides or sleep gives up.


By massaging the headache area you activate circulation.

Local heat

The heat applied to the shoulders and neck is very relaxing and eliminates headaches. You can use a hot water bottle, electric blanket, or hot water bath.

Alternate hot and cold water on your feet

Put your feet in a bowl of very hot water and previously add a tablespoon of mustard and four tablespoons of sea salt. Prepare another basin with cold water and ice cubes. Put the same amount of mustard and salt. Switch your feet from one container to the other for five minutes, until the water reaches room temperature in both or the pain goes away.

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