Running is an activity that, without allowing us to judge it, is classified as “healthy”.

Every time we see someone running, we associate that image with a positive activity, worthy of admiration and replication. But is running really healthy? Is there any case where running is not okay? What happens when we run every day?

The answer is that it all depends, in the world of health, fitness, diets, and physical activity, the benefits and harms depend on the condition of the person or patient. Telling an obese person to run every day is not the same as telling the same thing to a person who is anorexic or has a heart problem.

So, to determine if going for a run every day is healthy for you, you need to know your current physical and health status.

In which case is it healthy to go running daily?

It is very beneficial to go running every day if the person has a high percentage of body fat, more than 27% in men and more than 35% in women, these levels represent a very big risk for health, and running is one of the physical activities that can be repeated daily to help lower the fat percentage, without harm.

In this situation, the simple act of running about 30 minutes a day, with medium or high intensity, is enough for the patient to lose weight and reduce their percentage of adipose tissue.

As the months go by and when the person achieves a normal level of body fat, this activity will begin to decrease and will be complemented by others that involve weight-bearing exercises.

In what situation is it unhealthy to go running every day?

On the contrary, it is not advisable to go running every day when the person has a very low-fat percentage, when we are underweight and our defenses are very low. In these cases, going for a daily run will result in the patient continuing to lose weight, considerably reducing their muscle mass and feeling much more tired.

In these cases, it is best to jog for 20 or 30 minutes 2 or 3 times a week, leave aside any activity that requires too much effort, forget about going for a run every day, and focus on having a diet high in proteins and carbohydrates.complex.