3 reasons why you should consume omega 3

Fatty acids have many functions. And in general, they create a huge health difference between a person who does not consume them and another who does.

On the one hand, they allow you to reduce triglycerides and high cholesterol. On the other hand, six types of fatty acids can be distinguished:

  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
  • Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA)
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
  • Elcosatetraenoic acid (ETA)
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  • Stearidonic acid (SDA)

Many of these properties are advantageous for athletes. Emphasizing those whose main requirement is running (eg American football, rugby, basketball, etc.)

Studies carried out on people with a high index of healthy living have indicated that taking omega 3, and fatty acids in general, enhances performance due to increased strength and greater energy retention.

Hormone regulation

They facilitate the transport of chemicals from one cell to another. Which reduces the waiting time for the body to start acting. Ergo, it improves the response of the systems, whether digestive, immune, cardiovascular…

Keeps cells healthy. Facilitating the exchange of energy between them and optimizing the functioning of the body.

Improves oxygenation of the brain by allowing chemicals to develop quickly.

They allow you to produce energy efficiently, thus promoting a healthy nervous system.

Strengthens a woman’s uterus so she can conceive. If taken during pregnancy, it provides the fetus with minerals and vitamins to enhance its development.

Inflammatory benefits

Anti-inflammatory acids improve oxygen metabolism. Accelerating muscle recovery and resistance. Essential aspects both for athletes and for society in general.

Thanks to the production of leukotrienes and prostaglandins, the body can respond effectively and less painfully to allergies, burns, and blows.

For its part, these effects can be maximized if habits are acquired to consume foods rich in vitamins B3, B6, magnesium, and zinc. It is known as the “runner’s diet.”

Cardiovascular benefits

Blood pressure is affected by DHA (docosahexaenoic acids), reducing it significantly.

Although this benefit improves the quality of life of people with high blood pressure, its effectiveness decreases when normal blood pressure is established.

Long-term benefits include:

  • Reduction in risks of sudden death,
  • Minimization of the probability of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and
  • Reduction of triglyceride levels.

Sources of omega 3

The three sources of fatty acid available are:

  • Animals: Fish, like salmon, stand out from the rest of the meats. Herring, mackerel oily fish, and sardines also provide an important contribution of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that include omega 3.
  • Vegetables: In the case of vegans and vegetarians, an increasingly common practice today, vegetables such as Hispanic sage are distinguished. They provide up to 58 and 65 percent of the recommended fatty acids. For their part, hemp, flax, and pumpkin seeds are highly memorable and their recipes until now never cease to amaze the world.
  • Capsules: Many people rely on supplements to combat cardiovascular problems and general discomfort. However, the renowned medical journal JAMA documented that omega-3 capsules do not have the same effect on the body as natural foods. After several experiments, it was concluded that, despite the benefits of fatty acids, it does not mean that they transmit them in the same magnitude as a supplement. Well, with frequent consumption, it can have a greater or lesser impact on health. Improving it. But it is not equal to fruits, vegetables, and meats.
  • Natural ingredients offer a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. As well as rapeseed and perilla oil. However, they not only stand out for their contributions in omega 3 but also in omega 6. Just as vital for the body.

Most frequent doubts about consuming omega-3

Before venturing to ingest omega 3, it is important to know the effect it has in specific circumstances to avoid doubts, discomfort, and risks.

Is it advisable to take omega 3 before sleeping?

Food is directly related to the final state of a “restful night.” This is one of the reasons why many people wake up tired or in a bad mood.

During dinner, it is necessary to avoid any food that is not rich in tryptophan so that melatonin and serotonin can be synthesized. Two key hormones to recover energy.

Recommended foods include:

  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

You can also eat meats such as salmon, mackerel, and bluefish. With moderation.

Is it harmful to eat omega-3 during pregnancy?

Many studies have indicated that mothers who consume omega 3 during pregnancy facilitate the development and maturation of the fetus’s organs.

For its part, being a natural component, it is ideal for reducing the effects of depression due to frequent hormonal alterations.

Does omega 3 lose weight?

Not at all. Omega 3, when ingested in small quantities, allows the composition to increase slightly. On the contrary, when consumed inappropriately, it can cause obesity.

Oily fish, for example, is a meat that has high doses of fatty acids, being a dietary component that should not appear frequently.

Consuming these indices every day allows people to gain weight. So nutritionists advise not to prepare oily fish more than twice a week. There are also other foods, meats, and vegetables that do not have the same amount of fatty acids, so they can be consumed more regularly.

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